
  This file is the entry point to the partial formalization of the paper
  "Reifying dynamical algebra: maximal ideals in countable rings, constructively"
  by Ingo Blechschmidt and Peter Schuster.

  Although the paper has the usual truncated existence in mind, this
  formalization explores using untruncated sigma types.

  It has been tested with Agda and standard-library 2.0.


{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}

module index where

open import Level
open import Algebra.Bundles
open import Relation.Unary
import Data.Nat as Nat
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open import Data.Product
open import Data.List

{- Overview of all modules -}
import Forcing.Base
import Forcing.Monad
import Forcing.Monad.Conservative
import Forcing.Levy
import Forcing.Semantics
import Krull.Base
import Krull.FreeRing
import Krull.Static
import Krull.Dynamical

{- §1. An iterative construction of maximal ideals -}
module §1
  (R… : CommutativeRing 0ℓ 0ℓ)
  (Enum : Nat.ℕ  Pred (CommutativeRing.Carrier R…) 0ℓ)
  (Enum-singlevalued :  {n} {x y}  Enum n x  Enum n y  x  y)
  (Enum-surjective : (x : CommutativeRing.Carrier R…)  Σ[ n  Nat.ℕ ] Enum n x)

  open CommutativeRing R… renaming (Carrier to R)

  open Krull.Base R…
  open Krull.Static R… Enum Enum-singlevalued

  Construction-1 : Pred R 0ℓ
  Construction-1 = 𝔪

  module Lemma-1-1 where
    a :  𝔪   𝔪
    a = 𝔪-is-ideal Enum-surjective

    b : ¬ 1#  𝔪
    b = 𝔪-proper

    c : {n : Nat.ℕ} 
      let [1] = Enum n  G (Nat.suc n)
          [2] = Enum n  𝔪
          [3] = ¬ 1#   𝔪  Enum n 
          [4] = ¬ 1#   G n  Enum n 
      in ([1]  [2]) × ([2]  [3]) × ([3]  [4]) × ([4]  [1])
    c = 1⇒2 , 2⇒3 , 3⇒4 , 4⇒1

  Corollary-1-2 : (x : R)  ¬ 1#   𝔪   x    x  𝔪
  Corollary-1-2 = 𝔪-is-maximal Enum-surjective

{- §2. On the intersection of all prime ideals -}
module §2 where
  Proposition-2-6 = Krull.Static.example

{- §4. Expanding the scope to general rings -}
module §4 where
  open Forcing.Base

  module §4-1 where
    Definition-4-1 : Set₁
    Definition-4-1 = ForcingNotion

    Definition-4-2 : ForcingNotion  Set₁
    Definition-4-2 = Filter

    Example-4-3 : Set  ForcingNotion
    Example-4-3 = Forcing.Levy.L…

  module §4-2 (L… : ForcingNotion) where
    open ForcingNotion L…
    open Forcing.Monad L…

    Definition-Ev : (L  Set)  (L  Set)
    Definition-Ev = Ev

    Lemma-4-10 : {P : L  Set}  Monotonic P  Monotonic (Ev P)
    Lemma-4-10 = weaken-ev

      : {P : L  Set} {F… : Filter L…} {x : L} (open Filter F…)
       Ev P x  F x  Σ[ y  L ] y  x × F y × P y
    Proposition-4-11 {P} {F…} {x} = Ev⇒Filter {P} {F…} {x}

      : (all-coverings-inhabited : {x : L} (R : Cov x)  Satisfiable (_◁ R))
       {{x : L}} {P : Set}   P  P
    Proposition-4-12 all-coverings-inhabited = escape
      where open Forcing.Monad.Conservative L… all-coverings-inhabited

  module Example-4-13 (X : Set) where
    open Forcing.Levy X
    open ForcingNotion L…
    open Forcing.Monad L…

    lemma : {x : L} {P : Set}   {{x}} P  P
    lemma = escape

  module §4-3 (L… : ForcingNotion) where
    open Forcing.Semantics L…

    Definition-Language  = Formula
    Definition-Semantics = exec∇

    Lemma-4-17 = weaken

    module Theorem-4-22 = 1ˢᵗOrderEquivalence

    module Theorem-4-23 = CoherentEquivalence

  module §4-4 = Krull.Dynamical

  module TestCase where
    open Krull.FreeRing

    data Var : Set where
      a b c d u v : Var

    infix 4 _~_
    data _~_ : Term Var  Term Var  Set where
      ua1 : var u * var a ~ 1#
      ub0 : var u * var b ~ 0#
      va0 : var v * var a ~ 0#
      vb1 : var v * var b ~ 1#

    R… = ℤ[ Var ]/ _~_
    open Krull.Dynamical R…

    1≈0 = example (var a) (var b) (var u) (var v) (eq ua1) (eq ub0) (eq va0) (eq vb1)