-- The Agda standard library
-- Sum combinators for setoid equality preserving functions

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}

module Data.Sum.Function.Setoid where

open import Data.Product.Base as Prod using (_,_)
open import Data.Sum.Base as Sum
open import Data.Sum.Relation.Binary.Pointwise as Pointwise
open import Relation.Binary
open import Function.Base
open import Function.Bundles
open import Function.Definitions
open import Level

    a₁ a₂ b₁ b₂ c₁ c₂ d₁ d₂ : Level
    a  : Level
    A B C D : Set a
    ≈₁ ≈₂ ≈₃ ≈₄ : Rel A 
    S T U V : Setoid a 

-- Combinators for equality preserving functions

inj₁ₛ : Func S (S ⊎ₛ T)
inj₁ₛ = record { to = inj₁ ; cong = inj₁ }

inj₂ₛ : Func T (S ⊎ₛ T)
inj₂ₛ = record { to = inj₂ ; cong = inj₂ }

[_,_]ₛ : Func S U  Func T U  Func (S ⊎ₛ T) U
[ f , g ]ₛ = record
  { to   = [ to f , to g ]
  ; cong = λ where
    (inj₁ x∼₁y)  cong f x∼₁y
    (inj₂ x∼₂y)  cong g x∼₂y
  } where open Func

swapₛ : Func (S ⊎ₛ T) (T ⊎ₛ S)
swapₛ = [ inj₂ₛ , inj₁ₛ ]ₛ

-- Definitions

⊎-injective :  {f g} 
              Injective ≈₁ ≈₂ f 
              Injective ≈₃ ≈₄ g 
              Injective (Pointwise ≈₁ ≈₃) (Pointwise ≈₂ ≈₄) (Sum.map f g)
⊎-injective f-inj g-inj {inj₁ x} {inj₁ y} (inj₁ x∼₁y) = inj₁ (f-inj x∼₁y)
⊎-injective f-inj g-inj {inj₂ x} {inj₂ y} (inj₂ x∼₂y) = inj₂ (g-inj x∼₂y)

⊎-strictlySurjective :  {f : A  B} {g : C  D} 
              StrictlySurjective ≈₁ f 
              StrictlySurjective ≈₂ g 
              StrictlySurjective (Pointwise ≈₁ ≈₂) (Sum.map f g)
⊎-strictlySurjective f-sur g-sur =
  [ Prod.map inj₁ inj₁  f-sur
  , Prod.map inj₂ inj₂  g-sur

⊎-surjective :  {f : A  B} {g : C  D} 
              Surjective ≈₁ ≈₂ f 
              Surjective ≈₃ ≈₄ g 
              Surjective (Pointwise ≈₁ ≈₃) (Pointwise ≈₂ ≈₄) (Sum.map f g)
⊎-surjective f-sur g-sur =
  [ Prod.map inj₁  { fwd (inj₁ x)  inj₁ (fwd x)})  f-sur
  , Prod.map inj₂  { fwd (inj₂ y)  inj₂ (fwd y)})  g-sur

infixr 1 _⊎-equivalence_ _⊎-injection_ _⊎-left-inverse_

-- Function bundles

_⊎-function_ : Func S T  Func U V  Func (S ⊎ₛ U) (T ⊎ₛ V)
S→T ⊎-function U→V = record
  { to    = Sum.map (to S→T) (to U→V)
  ; cong  = Pointwise.map (cong S→T) (cong U→V)
  } where open Func

_⊎-equivalence_ : Equivalence S T  Equivalence U V 
                  Equivalence (S ⊎ₛ U) (T ⊎ₛ V)
S⇔T ⊎-equivalence U⇔V = record
  { to        = Sum.map (to S⇔T) (to U⇔V)
  ; from      = Sum.map (from S⇔T) (from U⇔V)
  ; to-cong   = Pointwise.map (to-cong S⇔T) (to-cong U⇔V)
  ; from-cong = Pointwise.map (from-cong S⇔T) (from-cong U⇔V)
  } where open Equivalence

_⊎-injection_ : Injection S T  Injection U V 
                Injection (S ⊎ₛ U) (T ⊎ₛ V)
S↣T ⊎-injection U↣V = record
  { to        = Sum.map (to S↣T) (to U↣V)
  ; cong      = Pointwise.map (cong S↣T) (cong U↣V)
  ; injective = ⊎-injective (injective S↣T) (injective U↣V)
  } where open Injection

infixr 1 _⊎-surjection_ _⊎-inverse_
_⊎-surjection_ : Surjection S T  Surjection U V 
                 Surjection (S ⊎ₛ U) (T ⊎ₛ V)
S↠T ⊎-surjection U↠V = record
  { to              = Sum.map (to S↠T) (to U↠V)
  ; cong            = Pointwise.map (cong S↠T) (cong U↠V)
  ; surjective      = ⊎-surjective (surjective S↠T) (surjective U↠V)
  } where open Surjection

_⊎-bijection_ : Bijection S T  Bijection U V 
                 Bijection (S ⊎ₛ U) (T ⊎ₛ V)
S⤖T ⊎-bijection U⤖V = record
  { to        = Sum.map (to S⤖T) (to U⤖V)
  ; cong      = Pointwise.map (cong S⤖T) (cong U⤖V)
  ; bijective = ⊎-injective (injective S⤖T) (injective U⤖V) ,
                ⊎-surjective (surjective S⤖T) (surjective U⤖V)
  } where open Bijection

_⊎-leftInverse_ : LeftInverse S T  LeftInverse U V 
                  LeftInverse (S ⊎ₛ U) (T ⊎ₛ V)
S↩T ⊎-leftInverse U↩V = record
  { to              = Sum.map (to S↩T) (to U↩V)
  ; from            = Sum.map (from S↩T) (from U↩V)
  ; to-cong         = Pointwise.map (to-cong S↩T) (to-cong U↩V)
  ; from-cong       = Pointwise.map (from-cong S↩T) (from-cong U↩V)
  ; inverseˡ        = λ { {inj₁ _} {.(inj₁ _)} (inj₁ x)  inj₁ (inverseˡ S↩T x)
                        ; {inj₂ _} {.(inj₂ _)} (inj₂ x)  inj₂ (inverseˡ U↩V x)}
  } where open LeftInverse

_⊎-rightInverse_ : RightInverse S T  RightInverse U V 
                   RightInverse (S ⊎ₛ U) (T ⊎ₛ V)
S↪T ⊎-rightInverse U↪V = record
  { to              = Sum.map (to S↪T) (to U↪V)
  ; from            = Sum.map (from S↪T) (from U↪V)
  ; to-cong         = Pointwise.map (to-cong S↪T) (to-cong U↪V)
  ; from-cong       = Pointwise.map (from-cong S↪T) (from-cong U↪V)
  ; inverseʳ        = λ { {inj₁ _} (inj₁ x)  inj₁ (inverseʳ S↪T x)
                        ; {inj₂ _} (inj₂ x)  inj₂ (inverseʳ U↪V x)
  } where open RightInverse

_⊎-inverse_ : Inverse S T  Inverse U V 
              Inverse (S ⊎ₛ U) (T ⊎ₛ V)
S↔T ⊎-inverse U↔V = record
  { to        = Sum.map (to S↔T) (to U↔V)
  ; from      = Sum.map (from S↔T) (from U↔V)
  ; to-cong   = Pointwise.map (to-cong S↔T) (to-cong U↔V)
  ; from-cong = Pointwise.map (from-cong S↔T) (from-cong U↔V)
  ; inverse   =  { {inj₁ _} (inj₁ x)  inj₁ (inverseˡ S↔T x)
                   ; {inj₂ _} (inj₂ x)  inj₂ (inverseˡ U↔V x)}) ,
                 λ { {inj₁ _} (inj₁ x)  inj₁ (inverseʳ S↔T x)
                   ; {inj₂ _} (inj₂ x)  inj₂ (inverseʳ U↔V x)
  } where open Inverse

-- Please use the new names as continuing support for the old names is
-- not guaranteed.

-- Version 2.0

_⊎-left-inverse_ = _⊎-leftInverse_
{-# WARNING_ON_USAGE _⊎-left-inverse_
"Warning: _⊎-left-inverse_ was deprecated in v2.0.
Please use _⊎-leftInverse_ instead."